Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a kind of cancer that starts in the breast where the lining of milk ducts or lobules in breasts get affected. Usually there are 3 different types of breast cancers that can happen with separate stages in them. They can be different in their genetic make up and even in their aggressiveness Read more


Yoga May Give Relief in Breast Cancer Treatment

A study on the women, with breast cancer, found that those who adopted mind-body therapies like yoga during breast cancer treatment, felt more calm and peaceful as compared to the women who did not do so. Emotional health of the cancer patients can be improved by practicing yoga. The researchers took 44 women who were Read more


Further studies proved, alcohol cause cancer

A study on almost 1.3 million women reveals and provides more evidences, that moderate intake of alcohol increase the risk of cancers. Researchers examine the women at breast cancer screening clinic and analyze their health during the last seven years Only 25 percent women reported no drinking at all, rest reported the roughly three drinks Read more