An expert panel said on Friday that U.S spends $247 billion on treatment and lost productivity each year. Treatments of certain illnesses among children and youngsters include behavior problems, mental illness and substance abuse.
People aged up to 24 years were considered in the finding, evaluating the expenses spend on their specific health conditions. The targeted conditions lists alcohol and drug abuse, behavioral problems including depression, anxiety, mental illnesses and emotional disorders like schizophrenia.
It was found that annual cost for treatment and recovering lost productivity reached up to $247 billion. This cost is exacted towards the specified health care, all the rest spent on youth are excluded. They are education, social welfare, criminal justice, and work life problems resolves. If added all, the estimated price would have shot high.
The panel instigated the White House to counter the problem and work in cooperation with the government to bring about fruitful results. National Research Council and Institute of Medicine set up the panel which advises U.S policy makers.
Expense estimation came as many lawmakers and U.S government are seeking effective ways to improve health care measures. The healthcare services are costly in the U.S but lacking quality. Though school based programs have been effective in preventing certain mental health and behavior disorders leading to drug and substance abuse.
Many low level projects are working to cater the problems but the governmental lead is missing which the panel looks forward to. A positive and quick response from the White House will certainly be helpful.