Extensive alcohol use highly enhance the risk of depression, a study reported which was conducted in New Zealand over the period of 25 years.
The study involved the 1,055 children who were interviewed and monitored in the various span of life for the twenty five years.
“There were clear and considerable trends for dependency that had been associated with the depression in all ages,” lead researcher David Fergusson said.
19.4 percent study participant of age 17 and 18 were either dependent or the alcohol abuser and among them 18.2 had become the patient of depression.
“Participants who were falling in the category of alcohol dependent or alcohol abuser were 1.9 times apt to develop the major depression,” researchers explained.
The connection between the alcohol and depression was firm even after applying with other factors, for example cannabis and other psychoactive illegal drugs, criminal partners, unemployment etc.
“The following study has anticipated that the underlying cause might be hidden in the genetic process, in which the element of alcohol stimulates the genetic markers that ultimately increase the risk of depression. Auxiliary research proposes that characteristics of alcohol depression may show in periods for the alcohol abuse or dependent people,” the researcher concluded.